Michael Jordan
This is a very special blog entry about a very special garden and a even more special gardener.
Today, the garden is in Indiana, in a beautiful women's health center, where my daughter has just given birth to our first grandchild. A beautiful and perfect little girl, Elizabeth, has entered the world today.
If any have any question about the obvious metaphor of gardening and raising children, consider this story: Two women were discussing raising children. The first said that she would raise her children with free will, to be unfettered and unconstrained by the wisdom of the ages. They would be allowed to grow on their own, and make their own decisions.
The second mother pondered this, then simply asked this question: "Would you like to see my garden?" The first mother said yes, and they proceeded to a plot of ground with brush and thickets and weeds all around. The first mother said, "This is no garden. "
The second mother said, "I know. I allowed this garden to grow freely, and fettered and unconstrained. I allowed it to grow on its own, with no guidance from me, the gardener."
And so the metaphor of mother (and father) as gardener is profound. At birth, we assume the responsibility of the garden -- watering, providing light, pruning and protecting, and removing the garden hazards. We do this knowing full well that the fruit of our labor is not ours to keep.
And as Samuel Rutherford wrote: "Let you children be as so many flowers, borrowed from God. They are not ours any more than the garden is ours. They are gifts."
And so, today, I am profoundly grateful for the gift --into the grand garden of humanity the Master gardener has brought forth a new blossom -- Elizabeth Jean.
...He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:14-16
Congratulations, Leann! What a wonderful day for your family!