At their core, when things really matter, people see a need to turn to God for strength and protection. Lee Greenwood
Just as a baby is swaddled in a blanket -- to keep her warm, and to help her to be secure in her environment, the gardener knows that young seedlings and plants need similar protection.
How many of us have planted something, only to watch is freeze in the cold, wither in the sun? An experienced gardener learns to protect the plant.
Mulch is the blanket -- the protective cover. Nothing glamorous about it at all -- and it is material which has been reused, recycled and composted in most cases.
Mulch prevents erosion of the soil. It keeps young plants warm and insulates moisture. It diminishes weed growth, and provides nutrition as it decomposes. Mulch keeps our foods clean, keeps our gardens clean, and maintains a more even soil temperature.
Gardeners have been mulching for at least two thousand years. Pliny the elder (AD 23-79) refers to compost in his writings. citing the effectiveness of piling organic materials on garden plants.
Like the humus of the forest floor, it becomes both protection and the fuel for growth. And best of all is that mulch is a key component of the circle of life --compost, organic clippings and residue are the food for the new life.
We, too need a "blanket" of protection as we struggle to grow, to be strong and healthy -- keeping good things in and the harmful out? What is your blanket? That is for you to answer.
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protections over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Psalm 5:11
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