(Her flowers were shed) the lily of the vale
That loves the ground, and from the sun withholds
Her pensive beauty, from the breeze her sweets.
William Wordsworth
The lily of the valley is an innocent and pure plant with a beautiful sweet scent, commonly used in perfumes. Its pure and delicate ivory white bell like flowers are used in clusters for wedding bouquets. For years I looked forward to when they would burst through their heavy green leafy foliage, then pick the lovely blooms to bring them to the dinner table. I have done this for over forty years.
And yet, if I come within ten feet, I experience physical pain and misery. It took a while to be fully convinced that they were solely responsible for my migraines, heartburn, runny eyes, and eventually trouble breathing. They are toxic to me. And yet I love them. I still grow a rather large patch not more than 25 feet from my back door.
Besides their obvious beauty, the lily of the valley is reported to have many other attributes. They area believed to improve memory. If you rub their oil on your forehead or the back of your neck, they are said to give you common sense. They lily of the valley signifies the "return of happiness".
The metaphor may be that we sometimes choose to surround ourselves with things (or even people) who have obvious attributes, but are toxic to us. It is like diet coke...I'm fairly sure that consuming several cans a day is not good for my long term health, and yet I drink it daily. I suppose when the misery of being near things that are toxic to us becomes unbearable, we change our habits. I no longer allow either lilac or lily of the valley in our home because of my allergies.
Are there things in your life that you react badly to when you bring it into your home? Are there things that you can admire and appreciate from afar, protecting you from discomfort or harm? Is there anything you should eliminate from your "garden", to ensure your overall health?
How can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye," when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Luke 6:42
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